Let us help you find the Woder you need!

Our Advanced filtration (ADV) is for homes with whole house sediment filtration system OR with low sedimentation levels.

Woder’s ADV removes lead, aluminum, heavy metals, chlorine (99%), contaminants (99%), mercury, PFCs, glyphosate, chromium 6, copper, nitrates, turbidity, chloramines, VOCs, odors, and bad tastes.

   WQA Gold Seal Certified (The inlet and outlet provided is not included in the certification).

If you do not have a whole house filtration system OR your water has a high level of sedimentation, then we recommend on our dual stage WD-D-20M-ADV Undersink filtration system (1st stage sediment, 2nd stage ADV) or our dual stage WD-D-20M-ADV Inline filtration system.


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